Basic CRUD Web App with SvelteKit with Drizzle ORM, iron auth and Tailwind CSS
To try out Svelte and Svelte Kit, I have created an example web app with authentication using iron, a database connection to SQLite using Drizzle ORM, and some basic CRUD functionality to add, update and delete enitites.
Sticky Table Headers and Popovers with Next.js and Tailwind CSS
I recently came across a problem that I wanted to make a potentially
large table where the headers are sticky and there would be a popover when ….
A CRUD web app using Next.js 13, iron-session and Prisma
To try out the new Next.js 13 release, I have created a simple web-app with iron-session for authentication and Prisma to connect to the database.
Adding Canonical URLs to a Remix website
Remix is a React framework to create websites and single page applications (SPA). By default, it creates however only the essentials, and lacks Canonical URLs, which are important for search engine optimization (SEO). Luckily, they can be added with only a few lines ...
Creating a responsive menu with remix and tailwind
Create a responsive menu with react and tailwind that shows a transparent header bar on wider screens and a collapsed burger menu for small mobile phone screens.